Wednesday, July 29, 2009

तुम्हारी आवाज़ में नूरजहाँ, सुरैया और शमशाद बेगम की आवाज़ की झलक मिलती है

---** श्री युनुस खान

ये उन दिनों की बात है जब टी. प्रकाशराव की फिल्म 'सूरज' बन रही थी। या कहें की इससे कुछ पहले की बात है। शोमैन राजकपूर जब ईरान की राजधानी तेहरान गए, तो वहाँ फिल्म डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर श्रीचंद आहूजा ने उनके सम्मान में एक पार्टी का आयोजन किया. इसमें एक युवा भारतीय गायिका ने कुछ पुराने गीत सुनाये और अपनी आवाज़ का रंग जमा दिया. राजकपूर ने इस गायिका से कहा की तुम्हारी आवाज में अजीब-सी खनक है। तुम यहाँ क्या कर रही हो। तुमको तो मुंबई आना चाहिए।

राजकपूर साहब के कहने पर आखिरकार यह युवा गायिका मुंबई आ गयी और आर.के. स्टूडियो में ही ऑडिशन दिया. आरके बैनर में सभी को यह आवाज़ पसंद आयी और राजकपूर ने इस युवा गायिका से कहा की वह संगीतकार जोड़ी शंकर-जयकिशन से से जाकर मिल ले। शंकर-जयकिशन ने जब इस आवाज़ को सुना, तो उन्हें भी यह बहुत भा गयी। उस समय चल रही आवाजों से एकदम अलग आवाज़ थी वो। फ़िल्म 'सूरज' के गाने तैयार हो रहे थे, इसलिए इस फ़िल्म का शैलेन्द्र का लिखा एक गीत ख़ास तौर पर इस आवाज़ को ध्यान में रखकर तैयार किया गया । यह गीत था -- 'तितली उडी, उड़ जो चली' । आप पहचान गए होंगे की वह गायिका थीं शारदा। इस हफ्ते जब मेरी शारदा जी से मुलाक़ात हुई, तो मैं यह देख कर दंग रह गया की उम्र के इस मुकाम पर पहुँचने के बाद भी उनकी आवाज़ की खनक और सुर कायम हैं। शारदा ने बहुत ज़्यादा गीत नहीं गाये हैं, लेकिन थोड़े ही समय में फ़िल्म-उद्योग में अपने गिने-चुने गीतों के ज़रिये जो मुकाम छुआ, वो बहुत कम लोगों को हासिल होता है। शारदा का पूरा नाम है शारदा राजन अय्यंगार । तमिलनाडु के तंजौर की रहने वाली शारदा बताती हैं की बचपन से ही गानों का उनको इतना शौक था की मलिका-ऐ-तरन्नुम नूरजहाँ के गाने पड़ोस की चाय की गुमठी पर लगे रेडियो पर भी बजते, तो वे उन्हें सुनने के लिए अपने घर की छत पर चढ़ जाती थीं । उस दौर में रफी साहब और नूरजहाँ का गया फ़िल्म 'जुगनू' का गीत उन्हें बहुत पसंद था--'यहाँ बदला वफ़ा का बेवफाई के सिवा क्या है। शारदा ने यह गीत गुनगुनाकर सुनाया, तो यूँ लगा, जैसे कमरा महक उठा हो। बहरहाल, तितली उडी....' शारदा के कैरियर का पहला गीत था। शंकर-जयकिशन का तकरीबन डेढ़ सौ साजिंदों का ऑर्केस्ट्रा, ख़ुद फ़िल्म के नायक राजेंद्र कुमार और कई पत्रकारों की मौजूदगी में जब शारदा ने इस गाने की रिकॉर्डिंग पूरी की, तो उस जमाने में फ़िल्म-डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर ताराचंद बड़जात्या ने उन्हें फ़ौरन सौ रुपये आशीर्वाद के रूप में दिए थे और कहा था की तुम्हारी आवाज़ में नूरजहाँ, सुरैया और शमशाद बेगम की आवाज़ की झलक मिलती है। इसके कुछ ही दिनों बाद शारदा को अपने कुछ बेहद लोकप्रिय गीत गाने का मौका मिला। ये गाने उन्होंने मुकेश के साथ गाये। शारदा बताती हैं की उन्होंने कभी सोचा भी नहीं था की वे फ़िल्म-जगत में बतौर गायिका आएँगी और इतने महान गायकों के साथ 'माइक-शेयर' करेंगी। फ़िल्म 'अराउंड दी वर्ल्ड' के निर्माता निर्देशक थे पाछी और यह शारदा की बतौर गायिका दूसरी फ़िल्म थी। इस फ़िल्म में मुकेश के साथ उन्होंने 'चले जाना ज़रा ठहरो' और 'दुनिया की सैर कर लो' जैसे गीत गाये थे। फ़िल्म 'सूरज' के बाद 'अराउंड द वर्ल्ड' ने उन्हें ज़बरदस्त शोहरत दी। इस फ़िल्म में शारदा के कुछ और गीत भी थे।

इसी तरह 'जाने भी दे सनम' गीत आप सुनेंगे, तो पाएंगे की इस गाने का चलन एकदम अलग तरह का है। इसमें 'जाने जाने जाने, जाने दे' वाली पंक्तियों को शंकर-जयकिशन ने एकदम अलग ही रंग दिया है। शारदा ने मोहम्मद रफी के साथ अपना पहला गीत राजा नवाथे की फ़िल्म 'गुमनाम' में गाया था। इस गाने के बोल थे 'जाने चमन शोला बदन'। शारदा बताती हैं की रफी साहब के साथ गाते हुए वह काफ़ी नर्वस थीं। बचपन से ही जिनकी आवाज़ की 'फैन' रहीं, उनके साथ गाने का मौका जो मिल रहा था। यह गाने भी बेहद लोकप्रिय हुआ था। बाद में शायद १९६९ में उन्हें फ़िल्म 'शतरंज' के लिए रफी साहब के साथ बड़ा ही अनूठा गीत गाने को मिला। इसमें महमूद भी उनके साथ थे। यह गीत था 'बतकम्मा बतकम्मा इकड़ पोटोरा'। शारदा बताती हैं की रिकॉर्डिंग के दौरान अभिनेता महमूद को उनके ही माइक पर गाना था। शंकर जयकिशन ने महमूद को पूरी छूट दे रखी थी। ज़ाहिर है की महमूद पूरी मस्ती में थे और यह गाना कई बार 'रीटेक' के बाद ही रिकॉर्ड हो सका था। आजकल शारदा युवाओं को 'वाइस कल्चर' सिखाती हैं और दुनिया भर में स्टेज-शो करती हैं। शारदा के बारे में और जानना चाहते हैं, तो उनकी वेब-साईट
पर जाइये।
श्री युनुस खान

लेखक विविध भारती में कार्यरत हैं

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sharda ji with Shri M P Modi, Director, Vividh Bharati at the recording of one programme in Studio of Vividh Bharati

Here is another picture taken on that occasion:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A musical tribute programme titled Yaad Kiya Dil Ne will be presented on 11th July 2009

Musicolor is organising a musical tribute to composers Shankar Jaikishan on Saturday, 11th July at Dinananth Mangeshkar Hall, Vile Parle (East) at 8:30pm. The programme titled ‘Yaad Kiya Dil Ne’ will feature evergreen song gems from films like Awaara, Daag, Dil Tera Diwana, Patita, Sangam, Brahmachari, Prince, Mera Naam Joker, Shri 420. Singers Srikhant Narayan, Sarita Rajesh, Sagar Savarkar, Neelima Gokhale and Anand Bahal will render the songs.

Here is one photograph of Sharda ji taken during her crooning at an earlier programme by Musicolor
Sharda ji's image courtesy : Rajesh Subramanian (9820587610) of Musicolor

Friday, April 10, 2009

Condolence Message from Sharda on demise of Shakti Samant

I am very sorry to learn about Shakti Samanta's death . He was a very good friend of Shankerji . I had sung the title song of ' JAANE ANJANE ' which was picturised on Helenji, sang another song ' leja leja , leja mera dil in 'An Evening in Paris which was picturised on Sharmila Tagore. He was very encouraging & supportive towards me . May god rest his soul in peace. - Sharda

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

For your Music Practise the music track is ready !!!

+_+_+_+_+MESSAGE FROM SHARDA+_+_+_+_+
+hi Friends,
+For your Music Practise the music track is ready !!!
+Along with this music track you can practise your basic excercises at +home at your convenient time.
And get your voice polished and +modulated...
+You can contact me for further details at:
+Visit Website :

+Bye for Now..


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"FROM BUTTERFLIES TO GHALIB" By-Rajiv Vijayakar (Posted online: Friday, April 06, 2007 at 0000 hours IST in SCREEN

Forty years ago, she was known as the ‘Titli udi’ girl. Spinning an enchanting web of hits from the legendary and then Numero Uno Shankar-Jaikishan, Sharda, or Sharda Rajan Iyengar to give her full name, sang in an array of big-banner films for heroines from Vyjayantimala and Sharmila Tagore to Mumtaz, Saira Banu, Hema Malini and Helen. Today, the songstress is ready with her 24-song double-album, also composed by her, on Ghalib.The singer with that distinctive voice is both in rewind and fast forward mode in an exclusive chat with Screen. Excerpts...
Where have you been all these years?
I was singing off and on till Shankar(of Jaikishan duo)-ji was alive, like in one of his last films, Kaanch Ki Deewar that released in 1986. After that I took a break. But the urge to sing was overriding. I also had composed a lot of songs and compositions kept reverberating in my head. So I began doing shows, mostly abroad, but also on invitation in India. Two years ago, I came out with an album for children, and now my double-album on Ghalib’s poetry will soon be out on my own label.
What kind of shows have you done?
There are three kinds of shows that I do - one in which I make a sort of guest appearance in orchestras. Then there are solo shows wherein I sing a mix of bhajans, ghazals and my own songs. The third is when I am invited by ashrams and other organizations - in these I sing devotional songs. I have received various honours abroad for my singing.
What made you think of an album on Ghalib?
Some years back I was exposed to Ghalib and realized that his poetry went beyond the standard romantic ghazals - there were parts that indicated the influence of the Bhagwad Gita too. Soon, I found myself breathing, thinking and composing Ghalib. Before I knew it I had 24 compositions ready. I presented them to the Ghalib Foundation and they loved them. When I went to music companies, however, it was a different story! They told me that there is no market for the ghazal nowadays! So I am releasing the album under my own label.
But what are we doing nowadays? Must we destroy everything good for the future generations using such excuses?
I am calling the album Andaz-e-Bayaan Aur - this is what Ghalib himself would say about his verse when he was actually criticized in his time for being different from the others!
The poems of Ghalib have been composed repeatedly over centuries , including in films. Were you not subconsciously influenced by these when you were composing them?Not at all. As I said, the compositions just seemed to take birth as I was reading and understanding the poetry.

You always had a distinctive voice. How has it changed during the years?
My voice still has the same quality. But it has improved over the years and acquired maturity and a certain resonance or thanak, unlike so many other voices that have aged.
To what do you attribute this?
I am practicing and also teaching voice-culture, to which I was introduced some years back. This is something that is vital today, both for singers and those in other professions. A voice makes a major impression in every field. As a singer, it also involves learning good posture, breathing techniques, calculating the ‘throw’ of your voice and controling its power.
You are a South Indian. But you never chose a musical career down South.
I came from a small town in Tamil Nadu where I also learnt Carnatic music. Obviously in those days there was no television and no cinema halls in my vicinity showed Hindi films, but a nearby tea-shop would often play Hindi songs. Somehow I always had an affinity for Hindustani music. Even now, though I also like a lot of Western music, my favourite music is North Indian and Hindustani classical, though I have sung in Tamil and Telugu after turning a professional singer.
As for Hindi films, I would leave everything and run to the tea-shop if I heard one of my favourite songs played - my all-time favourite being ‘Jahaan badla wafaa ka’. My mother would get irritated but I had always wanted to be a singer, composer and even songwriter. I even made it a point to learn Hindi.
Your first song was for the Hindi film Suraj produced in Chennai. How did Shankarji discover you?
Contrary to popular belief, I was not a Shankar-Jaikishan discovery except in a technical sense. My husband and I were based in Teheran where there was a party at the house of the famous distributor Srichand Ahuja. Since the Indian community was limited, they requested me to sing as I was known for my singing. Raj Kapoorsaab happened to be there and he was impressed. He asked me why I did not take up professional singing. I asked him whether he would take me in his films. He told me that he would if I came down to Mumbai.
So I did a voice-test at RK Studios - in those days this voice-test or microphone-test was a must and anyone and everyone could not become a singer as they do now! - and the entire group liked my voice and singing. Rajji then sent to me to Shankar-Jaikishan.
Shankar-Jaikishan were ruling then. How long did it take for them to give you a break?
With Shankarji, the rapport was instant. We recorded ‘Titli udi’ for Suraj the very next day and ‘Chale jaana’ with Mukeshji a few days later for Around The World.
By then, S-J had split. Did you do any songs with Jaikishan?No, they had not really split by then. But they were both very strong composers. They had worked all along in an individual way, like two lines starting from a point and coming together to complete a circle. I was to record some songs for Jaikishanji because he had promised me he would, but he was unwell. Then he passed away.
But Shankar and you deluged us with hit solos and duets.
Both of them, as I said, were kings then and all the songs that Shankarji gave me were tailored to my voice and style. But my tally of about 200 songs would have been far greater had I not faced a lot of manipulations from vested interests. Shankarji had to face a lot of pressures, and my songs would even be removed from films and blanked out from the radio. There were cases where soundtracks featuring my songs would not be available in music shops! Rajji had kept his promise and had recorded with me for Mera Naam Joker. But there was no song of mine in the final music score that came out!
Still, on the strength of the sheer power of your hits, did not other music directors call you?
And why did you not approach them?
I realized that I would have to face this kind of politics no matter how well I sang or how popular my songs would become. I did sing for a few composers like Ravisaab in Sanjh Ki Bela and in a Gujarati film for which I won a State award. Usha Khannaji gave me songs, as also N.Dutta, Dattaram, Iqbal Qureshi, Surinder Kohli and Avinash Vyas. I also sang for Ajay Vishwanath. There were other regional songs that I did - I sang in Marathi, Punjabi and Bengali too.
Still, if things had been different, was there a wish-list that you had of composers?
I would have particularly liked to sing for Naushadsaab, whose compositions were always designed keeping in mind a singer’s voice and characteristics, and for O.P.Nayyarsaab. Nayyarsaab, I believe, wanted to call me but also faced pressures. The same was the case with Hemant Kumar.
You also got to sing with all the top male singers.
Yes, and I must say that all of them were perfect gentlemen and were very supportive and encouraging. I had a special rapport with Mohammed Rafisaab and Mukeshji, and I also sang with Manna Dey, Kishore Kumar, Mahendra Kapoor and later Yesudas and Suresh Wadkar, with whom I sang a duet in Kaanch Ki Deewar.
How much was your entry into music direction influenced by the politics you faced as a singer?
I was always into composing like I said. Not many people are aware that I was among the first to record Indian pop songs - HMV (now Saregama) had released Geet Manohari and Sizzler, two EPs for which I had composed and sung 4 such songs each.
Those songs were noticed by filmmakers and I got offers to compose music for several films, among them being Mandir Masjid, Maila Anchal, Maa Bahen Aur Biwi, Tu Meri Main Tera, Garibi Hatao, Hazaar Haath and Kshitij. It was in Hazaar Haath that I recorded a duet with Yesudas.
Why don’t you compose and sing in films now?
As a composer, I am more than willing. I think that I can provide just the right kind of music that is modern and yet has melody and soul. I do not like what passes off for film music these days, though there are some good singers around.
As a singer too, luckily the atmosphere is free now. I would love to sing if today’s composers call me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Review of "Baal Bhajan" published in SANMARG (Hindi daily from Kolkata) of 25-July-2008

कोलकाता से प्रकाशित होने वाले हिन्दी दैनिक "सन्मार्ग" के २५ जुलाई २००८ के अंक में गायिका शारदा के बाल भजन की समीक्षा की फोटो कॉपी.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Added attraction Shardaji at Sur Singar Samsad's programme

In the recent past Sur Singar Samsad had invited Sharda ji to be the Chief Guest and Judge in the KAL KE KALAKAR programme arranged by them. Shardaji graced the function. In this blog I have incorporated few of photographs taken on the occasion. She inaugurated the function as well. here you can see her lighting the inaugural lamp and in the second photo she is sitting with dignitaries.

You can also see her other photos at the programme at the bottom of this page as well as right side

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


शारदा जी द्बारा लिखा, कम्पोज़ किया गया और उन्हीं के स्वर में रिकॉर्ड किया गया बच्चों के लिए बाल भजन डाउनलोड कीजिये, इस यू.आर.एल. पर क्लिक कीजिये :
(You can download BAAL BHAJANs by) clicking on :

And download Song from "KAL AAJ AUR KAL" sung by Sharda ji on :

Kisi Ke Dil Ko Sanam...:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Back Cover of album Baal Bhajan

A view of album 'BAAL BHAJAN' (front cover)

Shardaji has written, Composed and Sung the bhajans in the album 'BAAL BHAJAN'

Face of the CD of Baal Bhajan Written, Composed & Sung by SHARDA

SHARDA - Titli Udi Ud Jo Chali Phool Ne Kaha Aaja Mere Paas

SHARDA - Singer of many hit songs, she sang under baton of Great Music directors duo Shankar-Jaikishan in 60s-70s, comes from a highly cultured Brahmi family from Tamilnadu. In her childhood she qcquired education in Vedic Lieterature from her grandfather. Later on, She developed a liking to Hindi film music and started performing at small functions and gatherings.

In one of those occasions, as Shardaji claims, Shri Raj Kapoor offered her a voice test in R.K. Studios. On excelling in the test, she was introduced to music directos, Shanker and Jaikishe. They groomed and prersented her in a grant manner. Thereafter she has sung many hits songs for many Films like Suraj, Gumnam, Dharti, Sapnon ka Saudagar, Diwana etc. Her beautiful rendering of the songs 'Titli Udi, Ud Jo Chali' (Suraj) and 'Duniya Ki Sair Karlo' (Film Around The World). 'Jane Chaman Shola Badan' (Gumnam) were super-duper hit and still enthralls music loveres. She also gave music direction to may films like 'Mandir Maszid' 'Kshitij', 'Gharibi Hatao', 'Maa Bahen aur Biwi', etc. Now she is occupied in giving shows, music lessons and making albums and music videos. Her two of albums are shown here...I am fan of her. apart from having nice voice, she is a lady with a great respect to her fans and audiences.
Here are photos of her Gazal album 'Andaz-E-Bayan Aur' CD-I and CD-II. She has composed Mirza Ghalib's Ghazals and lend her voice to her beautiful compositions. She CD was released by Shabana Azmi, one of the talented actresses of Bollywood.